Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Profitable Turnaround

My poker day started off poorly with  a $109 loss in the 4/8 limit game prior to the tournament.  No luck in the tournament either with my 8's falling to A/10.  Going back to the 4/8 I was stuck another $235 before a seat opened in the 1/3/300 game.  I am such an idiot for playing in a bigger game after getting my ass kicked in the small games and tournament.

However, after buying in for $270, I ultimately cashed out for over $800.  My big win was a $700 pot won by my flopped 2 pair K/J vs. A/A.  Doubled up a couple of small stacks or would have been an even better day, still netted over $150 in 5 hours.

Side note on double ups of others.  First was vs. 2 pair with my AQ vs. Q10.  GLAD he was a short stack with only $100 behind, he is a solid player who usually has much more.  That said, good lesson here.  When playing against solid players, top pair top kicker is usually no good and I should fold.  Against looser players, specially short stacks, much more likely to see QK or QJ.  Another double up happened when I had KK and raised to $20 preflop.  A very loose player to my immediate right called with 9/10.  He caught a 9 on the flop and called a $40 bet.  Another 9 hit the turn and he called my 40 bet, then shoved a very small stack on the river.  Every pot I saw him win was with crap...like 7/3, etc.  Very loose, very bad.

It is normal for you to win chips from players on your right due to position.  It was unusual that I lost a couple of pots to him, and yet won nice pots from the more aggressive, better player to my left who also was very deep stacked.  Was flat out lucky with medium strength hands and got in great value bets.  Which brings me to the topic of "when are you going to stop overplaying your medium strength hands, stupid?"  Just lucky yesterday or could have been a very sad story indeed.

Saturday, May 26, 2018


My poker day started great today.  Arriving a half hour or so early for the 11 o'clock tournament I grabbed a seat in the 3/6 limit game.  Running good was up $85 when had to cash out.  There were 59 players signed up,  and I was playing well but not a lot of traction  to make it down to 2 short tables.  Highlight early on was quad jacks, sweet, but not a huge pot.

Moving tables, was on the button with A/Q suited and folded to me.  I raised to put short stack big blind older lady all in.  She calls with K/10.  She hits a 10 on the flop and doubles up.  A round or two later, I raise her again with A/8.  She calls all in with 7/9 of hearts.  Flop comes down A/8 (hearts)/10.  Turn is a great card for her, 5 hearts, giving her flush, straight and straight flush draws.  River is 6 hearts for a runner runner straight flush.  She owns my sorry ass.

Eventually down to just $500, with blinds at 1000/2000, a player shoves with Q/Q.  I have K/K.  He hits a queen on the river and I am out.  Sad.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Money for nothing

Just listening to some classic 70's soft rock.  I have come to love the Dire Straits song "Money for Nothing".  Googling the lyrics, you understand it is a song written from the perspective of some working class blue collar guys who are mocking and envying the rock and roll band guys.  Ironic, eh?  There was criticism over the use of the word "faggot", but I find that argument spurious as they are really describing themselves, including banging on bongos like a chimpanzee.


Side notes, Sting sings the falsetto in beginning and end.  From their Sultans of Swing album which contains my other favorite song of theirs from the album title.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

70's music

At the dentist's this week talking to the munchkin assistant I quoted some lyrics from Fleetwood Mac.  She had a blank look on her face.  I then told her the source.  She had never heard of the group.  I then patiently (get it, I am a patient) explained that some of the finest music was from the 70's and 80's.  She said, "I was born in 1993".  That makes sense, I am only slightly familiar with 30's and 40's music, ten to twenty years before I was born.  Dang that made me feel old.  That and getting two dental implants.

Update on Sunday Omaha game:

High hands won:  0
Hours played:  7
Net profit:  $49.00
Earnings/hr.:  $7. or almost 2 big blinds/hr.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Yesterday morning stopped in at my local casino for a short session.  Only game going was 3/6 limit, which changed to 4/8 kill.  I just cruised along with little variance for two hours.  On one hand I limped behind a crowd, on the button with 7/9.  Flopped a 7, called flop, turn bets, and rivered a 9.   The betting player made a nasty remark about my chasing and immediately called for $200 more chips.  I commented, "yes, I am the only chaser".  He then proceeded to raise every hand I was in.  When I left he was stuck over $100.  Me, down $22, and would have been up $100+ if I had chased two gunshot draws.

Truthfully, all non no limit games are chasing games.  And they are filled with "acemasters" and "flushmasters", those who play any ace and any two suited cards.  Be careful out there kids.  Getting ready to sit in the ultimate chase game, 4/8 Omaha high low limit.  Always a crowd, always draws against you.