Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Big Tournament & Lady Di

Arriving early at the casino my plan was to play the morning tournament.  This is normally a reasonably priced event and since the Omaha high hands did not begin until 2:00 figured I could play it and get signed up early in case of a bust out.  I was a little surprised to see the end of the month tournament was a huge one with $65,000 guaranteed prize pool.  The buy in was a nosebleed $670.  No thanks, too rich for my blood.  As I sat waiting for the Omaha game which probably wouldn't start for an hour or two I reconsidered the tournament.  Rationalizing that it would be a giant payoff if I won (just dreaming) finally decided after chatting with a player about his WSOP trip that it was worth the risk without the travel costs to Vegas.

My game started very tough, seated between two young and very good players.  I hung in and when our table broke early was happy to move with around starting chip stack of 15,000.  The next table was very good to me, particularly when I got them all in with set over set (my 6's vs. his 5's).  Doubled up I kept running good with my AK's holding up, some nice pocket pairs that won, and hitting about 60,000 or double average stack with about 60 remaining players out of 117 entries.  Then trouble began.  The first problem was a young player who shoved his short (around 10K) stack with Q/10 off.  I wake up with A/A and re-raised all in to isolate him.  We see a flop of Q/x/x then another queen on the turn.  Player doubled up courtesy of my cracked aces.  Oh well, still way up and running good.

A few hands later an older gentleman in the one seat shoved under the gun with a 15-20 K stack.  I again awaken with A/A.  Snap call.  The flop is K/K/X and he holds A/K.  Another courtesy double up by me.  Now I am down to below average stack.  Long story short, we get down to 3 tables, I go card dead and am busted in 20th place (paying 12, with 1st $21,000) when I shove my lousy 3 big blinds UTG with A/5 and am called by the big blind's 6/9 and he hits a 9 on the turn.  So close and so frustrating.  The two guys who cracked my aces were still going strong when I hit the road.

Moving on to a different topic, I was saddened this morning to hear that one of my high school classmates passed away last week.  Her name was Diane Lohohefener.  She was my crush sophomore year with her cute dimples and friendliness (voted most friendly in senior class).  Her parents were friends with mine and played bridge with them occasionally.  Our paths crossed several years later as married couples.  Her husband was Woody Warder, a few years our senior, the son of the local GE appliance dealer.  They took over the business and when we briefly moved back to our home town somehow Diane and my wife got the idea to start a pre-school in their home.  It was cute when they met with the local banker, kids in tow, she had 2 and we had 1.  They got their loan, perhaps just to get the girls out of the bank, and we remodeled their basement into a classroom.  Not too long after that I got a job promotion and transfer to Seattle.  We dissolved our partnership and she continued the business, ultimately building it into a huge enterprise housed in the old telephone company building which she purchased.  She was a very good businesswoman and eventually sold it and moved to Florida after the death of her husband.  We stopped by once to say hello when in town and also saw her at our 10 year class reunion but that was almost my last contact with her.  I tried emailing her a couple of times but no reply. After a school reunion a couple of years ago which I did not attend, I got her phone number from a mutual friend and we spoke briefly. I hope she had a good and happy life.  My love goes out to her family.  RIP Lady Di.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Omaha Frustration

Father's day started with a nice breakfast prepared by my daughter.  It was a great start to my day. Later driving up to Tulalip casino I was filled with optimism, which would later shatter on the ground.  The first hand on our newly started table was an easy fold for me, but frustrating when I would have rivered the nut full house against 2 players.  The next hand I lost $20 on a better starting hand.  Ultimately I would buy in 4 times and cash out with only one buy in.  The $100 high hand was also elusive as I posted one early, only to get a bigger one later which was a tie with another player.  It is not often that high hands chop, particularly full houses as it is usually straights.  Our shared high hand quickly fell as the 2nd table kept posting ridiculously better hands.  Think straight flushes, quads and big full houses.

I lost my enthusiasm and was running stone cold with a minor headache developing when I finally gave up after about 6 hours of play.  I am definitely coming to the conclusion that this game is pretty unbeatable due to the high rake.  The only players that seem to consistently win are the ultra-rocks who will only play A/A/2/3 double suited type hands.  I realize that is a winning style but really not "fun" and not too profitable either.  If I am going to grind it out would like to play for a bigger profit or skip the live action and do the tournaments.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Settling In

Making big changes are difficult.  New traffic, incomplete homes, different acquaintances, and so on. The poker change is significant in that I am no longer playing many tournaments but have switched to cash games primarily.  It has been a while.  Also, playing mostly omaha high low which takes some adjustment.

Thursday was an interesting day for me.  I left the apartment early for what I thought was a 10 a.m. dental appointment.  Despite leaving 45 minutes prior for what should be a half hour drive, I found myself snarled in the ugly 405 morning commute.  I called the office to tell them that I was stuck in traffic and would be late.  Hmmm, they said my appointment was not until 1:00!!!  I asked if it would be possible to take me early.  No problem.  And when I arrived was hustled into the chair and gone in 5 minutes as it was only to inspect the extraction from last week.  Prognosis:  good healing.

This is great as now I could drive to Marysville for the noon high hand games.  Traffic was lousy, and my detour around E. Lake Sammamish turned into a crawl with lots of construction.  I did get to see the amazingly huge and expensive homes now circling the lake which filled me with insane jealousy (not really) but made me wonder about the great wealth in this area.

Arriving with perfect timing I was able to get on the first omaha table.  Ultimately there would be 3 running.  After my last experience decided to play squeaky tight as that is the winning style due to the excessive ($6 per hand) rake and player supported jackpot rakes.  It worked very well for me and was soon up $300 including one $100 high hand (QQQ/10/10).  I later flopped quad jacks but quad aces were already on the board and were cracked by a 6 high straight flush.  There were 2 royal flushes dealt during the day, one at my table.  We collected at least 6 high hands altogether....as you might recall from earlier post every half hour award.

My tight play deteriorated and I ended up stuck small ($32) which is like entering a tournament and not cashing I guess.  Enjoyed over 7 hours of play so the entertainment value was there.  If the place wasn't so far away and if I didn't enjoy playing it so much could have left a good winner.

I am starting to know the players and their style of play.  This is important information for the future, which ones always raise with AA2, which ones slow play it, which ones chase (might be everyone, lol), which ones bet draws, etc.  One guy seems to always win, while another piles on losses with mini-rebuys....it must be a $20+ minimum as he rebuys for $21, weird, huh?  Not a super friendly bunch but o.k. for the most part.  The worst players are the super slow ones.  They really drag the game down.

Am going to try a new casino soon.  It is closer and related to the Crazy Moose (Washington Gold), located in Mill Creek.  They have a 10:30 a.m. tournament and monte carlo bonuses in the cash games.  If it works out, will play there more and limit my omaha to once a week.