It should come to no surprise to anyone that lots of poker players also fish. I have been listening to their stories for years. Lately, I decided to join them. A friend who is a fishing expert took me under his wing recently, loaning me tackle, showing me the hot spots and when to get your line in the water, even cleaning our catch!! I am indebted to him, cause you know how it goes.....give a man a fish, etc. My first outing, 1 nice coho salmon, 2nd outing, 2 nice salmon 1 jack and 1 chinook, 3rd outing, nada.....raining and blowing wind, miserable, lasted 3 hours before giving up. After we left got reports that it was "the best run of the year" for an hour and a half with everyone catching multiple fish, even one guy using bass lures!!!! Oh well.
So, my salmon fishing may be done this year as we are leaving town for a bit and the run will soon end. Steelhead fishing coming up.
Back to poker. Not a lot of luck this week. Wheeler ended early when my flush draw failed against pocket kings. Cannon Beach was worse with my pre-flop raise AJ, several callers, flop of 2/3/3, and one caller of my shove....really expected to see an A/3 suited, but no, worse, pocket 2's. No poker for me for a week or so, leaving tomorrow for Dallas and St. Louis family visits.
So, my salmon fishing may be done this year as we are leaving town for a bit and the run will soon end. Steelhead fishing coming up.
Back to poker. Not a lot of luck this week. Wheeler ended early when my flush draw failed against pocket kings. Cannon Beach was worse with my pre-flop raise AJ, several callers, flop of 2/3/3, and one caller of my shove....really expected to see an A/3 suited, but no, worse, pocket 2's. No poker for me for a week or so, leaving tomorrow for Dallas and St. Louis family visits.