Had my typical bounty tournament experience. Got exactly two bounties including my own when we did a 3 way chop for $400 each. How is that even possible? My true bounty was a great one. To lead up to it, I was seated at the back table and dismayed to see Jimmer in seat 8. I really do consider him to be the one of the best players locally and if he got some chips it would be a very tough table. Also at the table were Ali, who can bluff with the best, Marco, who can play very tricky and solid, Chad, who paid me the ultimate compliment by saying, "Crap, you had to be on my table". When I asked why, he said, "because you always get my chips". Nice rep!!! Kathy, Jimmer's wife was seated to my right, and Heather to my left. Kathy can play very aggressively while Heather is fairly predictable with very solid hands if she is calling, and monsters if she is raising. Rob was seated next to Heather. The other players were wild cards for me.
Jimmer played aggressively the first couple of hands, and took them down. Then, Marco called one of his raises. Flop was high cards, Marco checks out of position and Jimmer bets. Marco calls. Turn is a brick, Jimmer bets bigger (around $800 I think), Marco calls. River is an ace, Marco says, "All-in", but Jimmer wearing headphones does not hear him, and bets out $1800. The floor is called and ruled that the $1800 must stay, but he does not have to call the all-in. He folds, but is now down to about 1/2 original stack. He recovers some and then I pick up 8/8 in early position (UG +1), I raise 3x blind and Jimmer as well as others call. Flop is 10 high and I bet around $300, Jimmer raises to $600 and everyone else folds. I call. Turn is another small card and I ask Jimmer how many chips he has left. $1200. I bet $1200 and he calls. Good call with 10/7. Luck however cannot be denied and I spike my 2 outer 8 on the river. Player down! I think everyone at the table owed me a big "thank you".
Another noteworthy hand: Rob goes all in with a short stack and is flat called by Barbara. Fred (I think that is his name), flat calls, then Marco shoves a fairly large stack, having everyone covered except Fred. Barbara calls, and Fred goes in the tank. After much deliberation, he makes the call. Here are their hands:
Rob: 5/5
Barbara: 7/7
Marco: 10/10
Fred: Q/Q
No-one hits their pair and 3 players are out.
Later, on the final table, this hand comes up:
Scotty: 6/6 shove
Me: 8/8 fold
Carolyn: 7/7 all-in (we were seated in that exact order, which is interesting)
Steve: A/10 call, having everyone easily covered.
Flop is 7/A/x, turn x, river 10
Carolyn takes it all, if I had called would have fallen to Steve's 2 pair as I had her covered (barely). She donks out shortly thereafter with a preflop shove of her good sized stack with 6/6. Steve calls with AK and rivers and ace. I double up through Steve when I got cute 4 handed raising with A/3 suited and him flat calling with A/K. Flop is low, with a 3 and I shove. He calls, but no miracle king on the river this time. If he had re-raised me might have folded, but had about 40% of my stack involved so maybe not. Already being in the money may have gone ahead and gambled.